

Hi! I'm Andrea! I have been on the teaching roller coaster for the last 20 years. My teaching career has taken many loops and turns and I wouldnโ€™t change a thing about it…well most things!

What you will find:

On this blog, I share classroom tips, teaching ideas, and resources for the elementary classroom. You will find that I love all subjects, but I definitely adore teaching my firsties CGI math and using engaging lessons! I am ecstatic for you to join me on this blogging journey and hopefully you will get many helpful ideas along the way!

My Story:

After spending two years teaching 5th grade, I was asked by my principal at that time to move to kindergarten. Yes, you read that correctly, I went from 5th to kinder! It was definitely an eye opening experience to say the least! My kinder colleagues would say, โ€œ You had your kids do what?โ€ At that time, I had high expectations as to what my students were capable of doing since I came from upper elementary and my students rose to the occasion. I have had high expectations for all my students ever since.

After teaching kindergarten for several years, I was asked to go back to 5th! I stayed in 5th for several years until I was laid off due to budget cuts. I was tenured and was laid off! This very humbling experience was the worst and best thing to happen to me! I returned to the classroom as a substitute after having my own classroom for 8 years! I used that time to gather ideas from other teachers. I was fortunate to see some amazing things that year! I long termed in a 4th grade classroom for half the year and then in a 2/3 combo the rest of the year.ย  I learned that change isnโ€™t the worst thing that can happen to you. The following year I was hired in a new district to teach 5th grade once again. It felt great to return to my roots. That year, I also became pregnant with the most amazing, funny, and lovable daughter!

If you can believe it, I was hired the next year by my third district, where I remain today. I taught kindergarten once again and then was moved to first grade. First grade is where I have made my home for the past 11 years. I have now taught everything K-5. This experience has given me the knowledge to know where students begin and where they need to be.

Engaging Resources

Since I began my teaching career, Iย  have been creating engaging, hands-on material that I use in my own classroom. I love sharing ideas and planning curriculum with my colleagues. I have received a lot of positive feedback from colleagues, students and administration. I finally opened my own TPT store in 2017. You can check out my store at: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/First-Grade-View

Fun Facts:

-I am married to an amazing husband! We were college sweethearts. He is extremely smart and has his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences.

-I am a mother to a hilarious daughter who is my mini-me in so many ways!

-When I am stressed, I love to go kickboxing.

-You can often find me planning. (Iโ€™m a little addicted to planners)

-One of my favorite places is Disneyland! (Minnie and Ariel are my favorite!)

-I love going to the movies. (My family and I are huge Star Wars fans)

-If I am reading a book, you will most likely find me reading a professional development book. Iโ€™m not gonna lie, Iโ€™m kind of a nerd like that!

-I am a crafter at heart!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook as they are the best places to find out about new products, sales, and updates!

Iโ€™m a first grade teacher and I love creating engaging and rigorous resources to use in my classroom. I love sharing my experiences, teacher tips, and ideas for the classroom. Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re here! Read More
